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January - February |
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Competent and uncomplicated PID control algorithm design expressions for controlling second
order systems
Mohamed S. Soliman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5478
ABSTRACT: Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control algorithm with its various forms, namely P (proportional),
PI (proportional-integral), PD (proportional-derivative), PID, and compensators, is considered the most applied and
widely used control algorithms in industry; this is because of its simple construction, robustness and capabilities to
achieve desired control over plant performance. Designing PID algorithm is accomplished with a compromise to
result in an overall system responds with acceptable levels of stability, response fastness, smoothness and costs.
Various PID design methodologies and expressions have been introduced in text and literature,each has its
advantages, disadvantages and limitations. In the present work, a new, efficient, simple, easy to apply and linear
expressions for PID algorithmP-. PI, PD, and PID modes design are derived and presented. Expressions are
derived based on relating parameters of both controller and plant. The expressions are intended to control the
behavior of second order systems and approximated as such systems, such that it responds with acceptable stability
level, minimum possible overshoot, oscillations and steady state error. To further improve the resulted response,
only one tuning parameter α, is introduced
To test, analyze, and evaluate the design expressions, MATLAB/Simulink software was used. A simulation model
was built by integrating the next sub-models; PID control algorithm modes, drive with limitation and saturation
blocks, sensor, desired output signal generator and finally various forms of second order systems. The simulation
model was developed and refined to be as close as possible to real life conditions and processing. Studying the
recorded testing, graphical and numerical results show that the suggested expressions are being simple and easy to
apply, and also efficient in providing better control over controlled system's behavior in terms of response measures
and performance indices. Moreover, expressions are efficient to speed up response and eliminate or reduce
overshoot, rise time and settling time. Studying results show that, the overall system responds with acceptable fast
response, in most cases without overshoot, oscillation and with minimum steady state error and better ISE and IAE
indices values.
Keyword: Optimum control system; PID modesdesign; approximation; second order system.
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01-18 |
2. |
A Novel Unified Environmental Quality Control Index based on AI Towards Smart building
Yasser M Alharbi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5479
ABSTRACT: Assessment and monitoring of health and working conditions in the workplace is an important issue.
Human health, safety and productivity are not only greatly affected by health and working conditions, but the
equipment, machinery and materials in those environments can be affected in ways that lead to degradation. This
paper presents a way to use artificial intelligence in developing a novel entity index for assessing and monitoring
workplace health and conditions of use in intelligent buildings. Based on fuzzy logic, two algorithms were
developed to determine the relationships and dependencies between various immediate environmental indicators
and underlying environmental variables, to account for these relationships and trends, and finally to represent the
indicator values for temperature, health and working conditions. A table was developed with temperature ranges
and the effects on occupancy experience within those ranges. The current environmental indicators used in the
previously unambiguous algorithm to generate new index values are apparent temperature (air cooling coefficient,
wet bulb temperature and heat index), temperature and humidity index, discomfort index, warmth, comfort, and
heat capacity. Based on Fuzzy logic, the environment variables of the algorithm are ambient temperature, relative
humidity, and air velocity. After developing a complete system model using MATLAB/Simulink, further testing and
evaluating the algorithm design, a model was created containing all indexed sub models, fuzzy sub model
algorithms, input blocks, and data visualizations.
Keyword: Artificial intelligence, Climate control system, environmental monitoring, Smart buildings.
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19-32 |
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Diboh Emmanuel 1*, Kporou Kouassi Elysee 1a, Sangui Flora 2, Assanvo Andey Junior Cedric 2, Dje Bi
Samedi 3, Tako Neme Antoine 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5480
ABSTRACT: For more than a decade, Cote d'Ivoire has become the hub of illicit drugs in Africa. This is shown by the
huge quantities (several tons/year) that have been seized by the authorities. Also, young users of these psychoactive
substances do no longer hide themselves. However, few studies have been carried out on the epidemiology of drug
addiction and on the complications linked to the use of these illicit drugs in Côte d'Ivoire. In this context, we
planned to perform an epidemiological analysis of drug use in this country. To this end, a survey conducted using a
questionnaire submitted to patients in two detoxification centers in the city of Abidjan (Cote d'Ivoire).
It was found from this study that the most illicit drugs commonly used in this country were respectively, cannabis,
heroin, cocaine and crack. The preference for cannabis is due to its affordabîlity (relatively low cost). Also, learners
(pupils and students) are the biggest consumers of drugs.
Keyword: narcotics-drug users-short term memory.
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33-38 |
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Classification Study of the Order of Coleoptera for High School Biology E-bookletslet
Development Materials
Asni Johari 1*, Riza Alifia Zukri 2, Raissa Mataniari 3, Harlis4, Muswita 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5481
ABSTRACT: E-bookletss are needed to provide references for students who have limited access to books. The use of
e-bookletss as learning media will make it easier for students to understand the subject matter compared to
delivering information orally. Through the e-bookletslet, students can directly observe the pictures and explanations
in the media. The e-bookletslet learning media on the classification of the order Coleoptera that was developed can
be used as an enrichment learning medium. This study aims to examine the classification of the order Coleoptera
for materials for developing e-bookletss for biology learning in senior high schools. The initial step of the research
was to examine the material for the classification of the order Coleoptera. Furthermore, the results of the study
were used as substances that were developed into e-bookletslet learning media. The e-bookletslet's development
uses the ADDIE model with five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Products
developed go through validation stages overseen by a team of material experts and media experts. The validation by
material experts and media experts obtained very feasible results with a percentage of 91% and 90%, respectively.
Small group and large group trials on high school students obtained very good results with a percentage of 90% and
89%, and the teacher's assessment percentage was 95% with a very good category. Based on the results of the data
analysis carried out, the e-bookletslet learning media on the classification material of the order Coleoptera is suitable
for use in learning activities.
Keyword: e-bookletslet; Classification; Ordo Coleoptera; Development
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39-44 |
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Edgar M. Anud, Jr. 1, Mary Edmavette L. Fuentes 2, Irene M. Sagadrata 3, and Larry J. Sultiz 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5482
ABSTRACT: This study generally investigated the technostress and demographic variables among high school teachers
in the southern districts of the Department of Education- Division of Bukidnon and the whole of the Division of
Valencia City, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines. A total of 169 teachers were the participants of the study. The
Technostress survey questionnaire adapted from Chen (2018) was utilized for the purpose of this investigation.
The statistical tools used in treating the data for analysis were the descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and
The results of the study revealed an overall mean of teachers' technostress on techno-overload is 3.07; on technocomplexity 2.61; on techno-insecurity 2.33; and techno-uncertainty 3.51. The average mean of the teachers'
technostress is 2.89 which corresponds to "moderately affected by stress".
The study revealed that the greatest percentage (45.60 %) out of the total of one hundred sixty-nine (169)
participants was within the 30-39 years old. Those within the age range of 40-49 years old followed with a
percentage of 15.40, 14.8 % was recorded for the age range of 25-29 years old, 14.30 % falls on the age range of 24
years old and below. Those who belonged to the 50 years old and above were only 10.20 %. On the part of gender,
majority of them are female constituting 97 participants (57.40 %) out of the 169 participants whereas the remaining
42.60 % or 72 participants are male.
Keyword: teachers’ demographics, technostress and post pandemic
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45-49 |
6. |
Simple and efficient PID algorithm design method for controlling first order systems with a time
Mohamed S. Soliman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5483
ABSTRACT: Many processes in industry are characterized by delay time or by slow aperiodic dynamics called lag
behavior. In addition, many plants in the industry are described mathematically by higher order systems that are
approximated with the lower order systems, most frequently such processes and systems are described
mathematically as first-order-systems-with time-delay (FOSTD), also called first-order-plus-dead-time (FOPDT).
The presence of time delays causes degradation and limitation of achieving desired performance, moreover, it can
induce instability. In such cases, design of feedback control algorithm becomes difficult and tedious task.
The present work suggests an efficient, simple, linear, and easy to apply design expressions for designing continuous
PID (proportional-integral-derivative) control algorithm modes to control the behavior of FOPDT systems. The
design expressions are intended to overcome negative effects of time delay presence, as well as, to simplify the
control algorithm design process and help designer, in easy and simple way, to get system under control with
acceptable system stability, medium fastness of response and without or with minimum possible overshoot,
oscillation and error.
For testing and evaluating the correctness, applicability and efficiency of the derived expressions,
MATLAB/Simulink software was applied to develop refined software simulation model that simulates real life
values and returns maximum needed numerical and graphical data for assessment process. In addition, various
FOSTD systems’ types and forms were used in the simulation model, in particular, systems with small, medium and
large time constants, DC gains, and time delay, unstable systems, systems with variable delay. Furthermore, to assess
the efficiency of suggested design expressions, the resulted overall system response were compared with resulted
responses when two design methods were applied; worldwide known Ziegler Nichols method and
MATLAB/Simulink auto-tuned PID block. Analysis of numerical and graphical testing results, show that, The
designed control algorithm applying the suggested expressions can, not only simplify the design process, but also,
efficient for successful in getting system under control and improving controlling system performance, speeding up
response, reduce overshoot, and minimize error, but also stabilize an unstable plants.
Keyword: Optimum control system, PID algorithm design, first order system, time delay, FOSDT, FOPDT.
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50-72 |
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Ricardo F. Uy Jr.and Andrea G. Azuelo, PhD
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5484
ABSTRACT: This study investigated the effects of online Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning approach on
students' academic self-concept among Junior High School in Earth Science. Specifically, it aimed to assess the
student's academic self-concept as exposed to an online process-oriented guided inquiry learning approach in
relation to academic confidence and academic effort. A one-shot pretest-posttest pre-experimental design was
employed in the study. An adapted academic self-concept survey questionnaire was used with a reliable Chronbach's
alpha of 0.89. Quantitative data from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of
the study revealed that students exhibited positive academic self-concept after exposure to the online processoriented guided inquiry learning approach. Further results show a moderately positive result in relation to academic
confidence and positive academic effort. A quantitative analysis indicated that students positively perceived
themselves as learners in Earth Science.
Keyword: academic confidence, academic effort, academic self-concept, online process oriented guided inquiry
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73-79 |
8. |
Predictors of job satisfaction among employees of Vadacom South Africa
Musiwalo Ernest Muthivhi, Mammo Muchie and Zeleke Worku
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5485
ABSTRACT: Providing incentives to employees working in high-performance telecommunicatioins companies has the
benefit of enhancing the level of job satisfaction, the morale, productivity and efficiency of employees. Often, the
basic survival and coping needs of employees working under stressful working conditions are neglected or
postponed due to intense competition in the marketplace. The situation results in burnout, loss of productivity,
diminished output and lack of focus on key work related duties. The research paper is based on a survey of 146
employees of Vodacom South Africa in which an attempt was made at identifying determinants of job satisfaction
among employees. A benchmark constructed by Ringle, Sarstedt, Mitchell and Gudergan (2020) was used for
estimating indicators of job satisfaction, workrelated performance and employee morale. The survey led to two
findings. The first finding was that 76% of employees were satisfied with their jobs. The second finding was that the
level of job satisfaction of employees was significantly influenced by the provision of work-related training
opportunities as an incentive. The survey had a qualitative aspect which led to findings that were fairly similar to
those obtained from quantitative data analysis.
Keyword: Telecommunications industry, Determinants of job satisfaction, tailor-made training opportunities, Multivariate analysis
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80-89 |
9. |
Nor Ayshah Alia, A.H.*, Khairatul, A., and Norziana, Z.Z.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5486
ABSTRACT: Quantification of peat microbial functional diversity in pineapple plantation area is needed to evaluate the
response of long-term agricultural managed land. A total of three pineapple plantation in Pontian was chosen for
this study. Biolog Ecoplate™ system was used to evaluate microbial functional diversity. The enumeration of aerobic
culturable microorganism was performed using total plate count. Microbial activity, species richness, and aerobic
culturable bacteria of PM1 were higher than PS. Microbial catabolic diversity was found not significant in the
sampling location. Correlation analysis showed that microbial catabolic diversity was strongly associated with pH.
The abundance of aerobic culturable fungi was also strongly associated with culturable actinomycetes. It is
concluded that pH shaped the microbial functional diversity in peat by shifting the microbial community through
selection and adaptation of microbes that can function in peat.
Keyword: Microbial activity, richness, catabolic diversity, culturable
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90-95 |
10. |
Simbi-Wellington W. S., Abere S. A. and Onuchukwu N. C.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5487
ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in Odual Clan in Abua/Odual local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria,
to determine the effect of deforestation on air quality and wildlife. Three air pollutants were measured at the study
sites (CO2, CH4, PM) It was observed that the mean concentrations of CO2 (970.5000000ppm, 548.1250000ppm,
690.2500000ppm) in all the study sites were above the permissible limits by WHO. The mean concentration of Pm7
(17.6250 µg/m3) in the deforested area was significantly higher than those of the control (7.1250 µg/m3) and the
residential area (11.2500 µg/m3). The mean concentration of PM10 ranges from 9.2500 µg/m3 to 21.1250 µg/m3
with the deforested area having the highest concentration. T-test revealed a significant difference in the mean
concentration of TSP with the deforested area having the highest concentration of 24.5000 µg/m3. Results (68% of
respondents) also revealed that there is a loss of wildlife species. The causes of degradation according to the results
obtained are chain sawing, illegal farming, over exploitation and illegal mining; 36%, 2%, 26% and 6% respectively
Keyword: Deforestation, air quality and wildlife
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96-102 |
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Petrological Features and Geochemical Characterization of Igneous Rocks in Ado-Ekiti, South western Nigeria
Akinola, O. O., Akomolafe, A. D., and Madukwe, H. Y.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5488
ABSTRACT: This research investigates and report petrological features and geochemical characteristics of igneous
rocks in Ado-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria. Exhaustive geological fieldwork reveals Ado-Ekiti is underlain by
migmatite-gneiss, quartzite, granite (porphyritic and fine-grained) and charnockite. Petrographic investigation
revealed overwhelming presence of quartz, biotite and plagioclase in all the rocks while microcline and opaque
minerals occur in subordinate amounts. Average SiO2 content in porphyritic granite (74.56 %) is marginally higher
than charnockite (73.51%) and fine-grained granite (70.41%). These values correlate well with previous works in the
study area and agrees with similar rocks in other parts of the country. Analytical results using Phillips Panalytical
PW1480 X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer with Rhodium Tube as the X-ray source revealed the siliceous nature of
the rocks. The binary plot (Na2O+K2O) vs SiO2 established the rocks are granitic with all the samples plotting
within granite field. AFM ternary diagram shows the rock have calc-alkaline affinity. Geochemical classification by
(Na2O + K2O-CaO) vs SiO2 diagram reveals the rocks are “Calc-alkalic and calcic”. The elevated K2O (average of
4.41%) in the data signaled High-K calc-alkaline type on K2O vs SiO2 binary diagram. Alumina Saturation Index
(ASI) showed the rocks are metaluminous while Al2O3 / (Na2O + K2O) vs Al2O3/ (Na2O +K2O +CaO) plot
suggest the rocks have mantle origin
Keyword: Ado-Ekiti, siliceous, calc-alkaline, metaluminous, mantle origin
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103 -115 |
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A review of decision-making for pre floods resilience in housing
Anthony, Peter 1,2*, Roshida Binti Abdul Majid 1, & Nor Izura Binti Tukiman 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5489
ABSTRACT: Most people inhabiting or owning houses in flood-prone areas do not have a prior idea of the situation of
the site. The type of flood determines the causes and effects of flooding. It is, therefore, necessary to understand the
causes and consequences of flooding in our sites. Both the developer and homeowners after having an in-depth idea
of the situation and especially the impact of a particular flood will from the onset decide on whether to go on with
the intended idea of development or seek an alternative area. The decision of choices would be taken based on the
flood's known effects, causes and professional evaluation. The purpose of this study was to look into the five types
of floods alongside their features, and decisions to be taken after evaluation. The scope of the study was to assess
the condition of sites regarding floods and a subsequent decision arrived before starting any construction. Data was
gathered using the review approach: Books and articles. The knowledge acquired would be relevant in the decision
of the end-users or developer to either start construction or abandon the site. In situations where the choice is to
start development, further education would be needed on resilience to the specific flood type found in the location.
The impact of the study reveals that an estimated cost, time, emotional worries, and resilience techniques would be
disclosed before the start of any construction for early decision. However, if the disadvantage of starting the project
outweighs the advantages, the best decision is to avoid the site and not start the work.
Keyword: Flood-prone areas, types of floods, Decision- making, pre floods, resilience, housing
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116 -129 |
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E. E EZUGWU 1, A.C. UGWU 1, P.O.MANAFA 2, I.G.EZUGWU 3, M.P.Ogolodom 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5490
ABSTRACT: Background: Obesity, overweight and elevated BMI are clinical features of PCOS, and between 40-80%
of women with PCOS are reported to be overweight or obese. This study aimed to categorize values of patient
anthropometric variables such as BMI with change in follicular sizes as determined by sonography following postCLOMID inducement therapy.
Materials and Methods: This was an experimental cohort study carried out in some selected hospitals in Anambra
State, Nigeria, from June 2018 to May 2022.Convenient sampling technique was adopted to select the subjects
based on the inclusion criteria, which were women of child bearing age (18 to 45 years) for both groups.
Confirmation of patients with PCOS was ascertained with the presence of polycystic ovaries in ultrasound. The
ultrasound examinations and anthropometry measurements were carried out on each subject, and data such as BMI,
follicular sizes before and post treatment were recorded. The obtained data were subjected to SPSS analysis using
both descriptive and inferential statistical tools.
Results: The mean values of the BMI of the participants in the experimental group before and after treatment with
clomid were 25.69±5.99 kg/m2
, 25.92±5.55 kg/m2 respectively, while the mean BMI value for the control group
was 23.09±3.41 kg/m2
.There were no statistically significant differences in body mass index, and maximal follicular
size in women with failed and successful ovulation in the experimental group before treatment (p>0.05). There were
statistically significant mean differences in the BMI (t= 8.75, p = 0.001) and follicular size (t= 2.04, p = 0.04) of
participants in the experimental group after treatment with clomid. There were statistically significant mean
differences in the BMI (t= 2.41, p = 0.02) and follicular size (t= 4.88, p = 0.001) of participants in the control group
after treatment with clomid.
Conclusion: There was higher ovulation failure rate among the overweight and obese subjects in both the
experimental and control groups. Also significant increase in mean follicular sizes after clomid inducement in the
experimental group was noted. Body mass index has significant negative impacts on ovulation.
Keyword: Body mass index, follicular size, ovaluation, polycystic ovary
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130 -135 |
14. |
Ms. Sabiyah Youssouf 1, Dr. Mohd Sabiq 2, Ms. Razia Yousuf 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5491
ABSTRACT: Food is the main fuel that runs a human body, both in health and illness. Food and Nutrition play a
major role in the prevention of almost all diseases and promotion of health. Unfortunately at the global level, India
is being placed among the highest ranked countries on the basis of number of malnourished children1. Childhood is
a crucial period where we need to pay some extra attention for the nutritional needs and nutritional care of a child,
as it acts as a strong pillar for his/her growth and development and prevention of malnutrition. Despite many
medical advances over the past 20 years, the prevalence of malnutrition among hospitalized children has not
decreased. Since the staff nurses spent more time with patients than any other healthcare workers and the patient
recovery is greatly affected by the quality of care these nurses provide to their patients in all the aspects of care,
including the nutritional aspect. Present study was conducted to assess the Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice towards nutritional care of the hospitalized children, in order to ensure quality nutritional care for
hospitalized children who are at risk of developing malnutrition or who are already victims of it. A nonexperimental descriptive research design was adopted to carry out the present study on a sample of 40 staff nurses
working at a Tertiary care hospital of Karnataka by administering MKAP questionnaire. The results of the study
showed that majority of the staff nurses 28(70%) had average knowledge and neutral attitude regarding
malnutrition and nutritional care among hospitalized children, while as 7(17.5%) had good knowledge and positive
attitude and 5( 12.5%) of them had poor knowledge and negative attitude regarding malnutrition and nutritional
care among hospitalized children. The majority of the staff nurses 25(62.5%) showed neutral practice regarding
malnutrition and nutritional care among hospitalized children, while as 10 (25%) showed beneficial practice and 5
(12.5%) of them showed non-beneficial practice regarding malnutrition and nutritional care among hospitalized
children. In the present study the association of Levels of KAP with demographic characteristics of the staff nurses
was calculated by using chi-square test and no association was found between the two except for gender. The study
concluded that most of the staff nurses are having average knowledge and neutral attitude and practice towards
malnutrition and nutritional care of hospitalized children
Keyword: Malnutrition, Nutritional care, staff nurses, hospitalized children.
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136 -144 |
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Nur Liyana Iskandar 1, Zurin Aida Jamilan 1 and Nurul Huda Badarunzaman 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5492
ABSTRACT: Fungal diseases are one of the major risks in chilli production. Plant diseases are being controlled
commonly by the application of synthetic fungicides. Trichoderma species found to be most effective antagonism of
foliar and soil borne pathogens. In the present study, dual culture assay was conducted against phytopathogenic
fungi of chilli in vitro and examined percent inhibition by the potential biocontrol agent. Dual culture plate test
revealed that the percentage growth inhibition of Colletotrichum gleosporoides, Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium apanidermatum,
Curvularia lunata and Alternaria sp by Trichoderma asperellum were in the range of 26.4 to 83.5 %.T. asperellum, a less
studied fungus, is also a successful biological control agent against a wide range of plant pathogens. Thus, the aim of
this research is to assess the antagonistic ability of T. asperellum towards chilli phytopathogenic fungi under in vitro
conditions. The antagonistic efficacy of T. asperellum can be exploited in the disease management of chilli in field
Keyword: Biocontrol, Trichoderma, Chilli
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145 -149 |
16. |
The study of PBL combined with CBL teaching mode in the English teaching of Stomatology for
international students
Longchun Zou 1, Chunlei Zhang 2*
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5493
ABSTRACT: Purpose: To explore PBL (Problem-Based Learning) combined with CBL (Case-Based Learning,
Application effect of CBL teaching model in oral science teaching of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of
Surgery (MBBS)). Methods: 118 international students from Jinan University in 2016 and 2015 and 60 students
from 2016 were selected as the experimental group. The problem-driven teaching method combined with case
teaching method was adopted.58 students from grade 2015 were selected as the control group, and the LectureBased Learning (LBL) teaching mode was adopted. After two complete classroom teaching sessions, the students
were given in-class test and questionnaire survey. Results: In the in-class test, the total score and average score of
multiple choice questions, noun interpretation questions, short answer questions and case analysis questions in the
PBL-CBL group were higher than those in the LBL group (P<0.05);The results of the questionnaire showed that
the students in the PPL-CBL group had higher satisfaction with the teaching mode than the LBL group
(P<0.05).Conclusion: PBL combined with CBL has achieved good results in the full English teaching application of
Stomatology for MBBS students in China, which is helpful to improve the teaching quality.
Keyword: Problem-Based Learning; Case-Based Learning; Stomatology; MBBS international student
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150 -154 |
17. |
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in Learning
Science Subjects in the New Normal
Mealin Grace B. Pacle, Janice Apura, Russel Joy C. Paran and Denis A. Tan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5494
ABSTRACT: Lived experiences from diverse contexts can be transformational in education. Learning science is
intertwined with various experiences, which consequently strengthen the formation of a science concept, thereby
increasing students' performance in school. Thus, this paper sought to explore the lived experiences of senior high
school students in learning science. Based on this concept, the researchers employed the phenomenological
technique of qualitative methodologies to collect complex data regarding students' experiences in science subjects in
a blended learning environment and to grasp the phenomenon from their perspective. The study revealed four
distinct themes in the students' lives: (1) varied experiences of students in learning the science subject during the
pandemic, (2) challenges encountered, (3) coping strategies employed, and (4) resources needed in learning science.
Based on the findings, the student's learning experiences were affected by the academic experience, motivation,
preparedness, and support. The difficulties encountered by learners in learning science subjects during the new
normal can be classified as personal, social, mental, and academic difficulties caused by the abrupt transition from
face-to-face to blended learning. Teachers and parents are urged to assist the students, and educational resources
must be well prepared. Students must also create new and productive study habits to face further endeavors in
Keyword: Live experiences, Phenomenology, New Normal
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155 -166 |
18. |
Mealin Grace B. Pacle, Janice Apura, and Russel Joy C. Paran
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5495
ABSTRACT: The species richness of macrolichens in Mt. Sapinit, SitioDagulos, and MaramagBukidnon was
investigated. The main objective of the study is to determine the species richness of macrolichens in the vicinity of
Mt. Sapinit. Transect walk and quadrat sampling were carried out in the collection of macrolichens. The gathering
and identification of specimens collected was based on standard taxonomical procedure. Results of the study
revealed a total of 20 species classified into 7 genera and 13 families. The most family-rich species belong to the
family Lobariaceae, and the least family-rich belong to Ramalinaceae, Collemataceae, and Dictyonemaceae. Most of
the epiphytic macrolichens belong to the family Parmeliaceae, which dominates the entire montane forest. The
distribution of macrolichens across the area occurs in the bark of the tree, logs and twigs, and in tree
branches.Elevation also have impact to the growth of lichen species. Higher elevations appear to provide suitable
condition for many lichen species to thrive. Thus, the need to preserve the forest ecosystem is essential in order to
conserve the lichen communities.
Keyword: Species Richness, Macrolichens
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167 -179 |
19. |
The application and research progress of ZIF-8 nanomaterials in biomedicine
Yuanshu Weng 1, Wu Zhang 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5496
ABSTRACT: As a subclass of metal organic frameworks (MOFs), Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework 8 (ZIF-8) can be
formed by self-assembly of zinc ions and 2-methylimidazole under simple conditions. Taking advantage of its acid
sensitivity, high loading capacity and easy functionalization, ZIF-8 has a wide range of applications in biomedical
fields. ZIF-8 is an ideal carrier for controlled drug transport and release, as it can efficiently transport not only small
molecules for antibacterial and antitumor applications, but also It can act as a protective layer for peptides and other
biological macromolecules, as well as modify the surface of implants and be used to assist in vivo bioimaging. Based
on this, this paper reviews the applications and progress of ZIF-8 in the biomedical field and provides an outlook.
Keyword: ZIF-8, Acid sensitivity, Biomedical
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180-186 |
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Compliance level assessment of the recommended standards in the design of privately owned
radio diagnostic centers in Anambra State.
*Emmanuel E. Ezugwu 1, Everistus O. Abonyi 2, Gloria I. Ezugwu 3, Benjamin Mgbechi 3, Joseph C.Eze1,Daniel C. Ugwuanyi 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5497
ABSTRACT: Background: Buildings used for radio-diagnostic purposes are expected to satisfy a certain radiation
safety measures, however, the privately owned radio-diagnostic facilities in Anambra State are not purpose built.
Objective: To evaluate the building design and layout of diagnostic x-ray rooms of privately owned radio-diagnostic
facilities in Anambra State against the internationally recommended standards.
Methodology: The building designs of all privately owned radio-diagnostic facilities registered with the ministry of
health, Anambra State were assessed by measuring the x-ray room sizes, distances between the x-ray tubes and the
control consoles, and the wall thicknesses using a well calibrated meter rule. Presence of lead lining on the walls and
doors of the diagnostic rooms were noted and their thickness measured.
Results: The studied centers showed 14 (70%) compliance to NNRA recommended x-ray room size (16m2). A
total of 12 (60%) of the studied centers were in compliant with x-ray tube to console distance (≥ 1 meter) whereas
14(70 %) of the centers complied on the use of minimum of 2mm thickness of lead for wall lining.
Conclusion: The designs and outlay of privately owned radio-diagnostic facilities in Anambra State are in
compliance with recommended standards.There was however no significant difference in the level of compliance
among the studied parameters (p<0.05).
Keyword: Design parameters, Tube- to -console distance, Radio diagnostic facilities, Recommended Standard.
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187-192 |
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Mathulu, A.W. 1, Some, E.S 2, Ndonga, E, M 3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5498
ABSTRACT: Injuries constitute one of the priority health problems in the world that lead to the loss of several million
lives and cause nonfatal injuries to millions of people globally.The objective of the study was to determine the precrash factors associated with the nature and outcomes of injuries in traffic accidents in Makueni County. This
would provide evidence for the development of policies and programmes in emergency medical services. The Mixed
method approach and cross-sectional study design was employed. Data was collected from 427 First Responders
and 474 patients. Universal sampling was employed for all the consecutive First Responders who assisted people
inflicted with Injuries conveyed to six hospitals in Makueni. Quantitative data analysis was through Statistical
Package for Social Scientists version 25 while qualitative data was through descriptive and analytical reports. Study
findings indicate a significant relationship between Outcomes of injuries with use of personal protective device,
education level of casualties, location of health facility, time the accident occurred andthe weather during the
accident. The study recommends regular community members’ sensitization and training on pre-hospital emergency
care for road traffic related casualties. Sensitization should prioritize issues such as use of personal protective
equipment to reduce morbidity and mortality with emphasis to the most affected such as the males.
Keyword: Pre-crash, Road Traffic Accidents, Road Traffic Injuries, Nature and Outcomes of Injuries.
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193-203 |
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Inventory of Some Fungi Species in Laligan Falls, Laligan, Valencia City, Bukidnon
Reymond M. Bansale, Jay-ar A. Tino, Jenebe Pagulong, Neil Bryan Galabin, Mealin Grace B. Pacle and
Kristian Barbarona
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56293/IJASR.2022.5499
ABSTRACT: The study investigated the macroscopic fungi in Laligan Falls Laligan, Valencia City, Bukidnon.
Specifically, it aimed to determine the species richness of fungi in the study area; describe, classify, and identify the
fungi species in relation to Family, Genera, and Species; and ascertain which species of fungi are have medicinal
value. Quadrat methods were employed in the study. The researchers laid out a 20m x 20m quadrat plot on each
side of the falls. A total of 37 species were collected and photo-documented. Of these 21 species were identified,
belonging to Class Basidiomycetes and Class Ascomycetes, and 16 species are unidentified. Among the twenty-eight
fungi species, 8 species have therapeutic potential. Further results show that the Polyporaceae family had the most
species collected. Altitude greatly influences the distribution the fungi, with lower altitudes having fewer fungi than
higher altitudes. To evaluate the species diversity, more field research must be scientifically studied in relation to the
physical parameters and other vegetation types.
Keyword: Fungi, Species Richness
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204-220 |
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